Together we can make a change for 3 brothers in need


Franz Weiler Organizația Umanitară CONCORDIA

100% Complete
2,575 RON
Donations raised
2,500 RON

My dear friend,

On October 29th, I will celebrate my birthday. I feel grateful for what I have in my professional and personal life. But, these days I am also thinking that there are people less fortunate than me and I would like to change at least a bit this.

For several years, a place dear to my soul has been CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization, an organization that helps children who have no chance to live with their parents.

In 2019, in Romania, there are approximately 17.000 children in the state residential protection system and one of three children has spent 90% of their life in this system.

These statistics are really sad and for my birthday, I want to support 3 brothers who live in Caroline Family Type House, from Aricestii Rahtivani – Lorena, Irina and Octavian.

Lorena is 13 years old and she is the eldest of the brothers - a gentle, responsible and caring child, but who does not talk much - she saw many bad things and lived even harder times! Their father died, and their mother is in the penitentiary for a second time. Irina is 11 years old and knows for sure that she wants to become a veterinarian - so now in CONCORDIA house she has a puppy that she cares about - Bruno. Octavian has been with CONCORDIA since he was 4 years old; now he is 9 and he knows he wants to become a cook.

They are the reason for which CONCORDIA exists, they are NOT statistics for CONCORDIA, they ARE a reality they see every day.If you would like to see them in their home I invite you watch this short video:

These beautiful and cheerful children, who cannot grow up with their families, receive all the care and love from CONCORDIA. Please help me support them with a single or monthly donation and give these children the feeling of HOME! It's the biggest help I hope for and I will be grateful for all the support we can give together!

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in benefit of

CONCORDIA este o organizație independentă, neguvernamentală și nonprofit, care are ca misiune susținerea familiilor aflate în dificultate și (re)integrarea socială (familială, școlară, profesională) a copiilor, tinerilor și adulților, spre o viață autonomă și responsabilă.

Dăruiește sentimentul de ACASĂ copiilor fără familie! Sunt copii care provin din familii cu probleme sociale dintre cele mai grave, în mijlocul cărora nu se pot dezvolta în siguranță.


Vine ziua ta. Este momentul în care ești în centrul atenției prietenilor, cunoscuților, familiei. Toata lumea te întreabă ce iți dorești să primești cadou, dar tu știi că ai tot ce îți trebuie și că nu îți dorești decât să fii aproape de cei dragi și să împarți cu ei bucuria și voia bună. Și, când se întâmplă așa, îți dai seama că acesta este, poate, cel mai fr


18 Donations


75 RON
04 Nov 2019


115 RON
30 Oct 2019


100 RON
29 Oct 2019


75 RON
29 Oct 2019


300 RON
29 Oct 2019
29 Oct 2019
29 Oct 2019

Cristian Ster

150 RON
Dear Franz, On this special day let me present all my best wishes to you! May you always have your health, your good spirit and all your beloved ones near. Let that luck, joy and prosperity suit you for ever. All the best, Cristian Ster
28 Oct 2019
Happy Birthday, Skipper! :)
28 Oct 2019

Anonymous me ;)

75 RON
Happy birthday to you! Cheers, beers and many more years!
28 Oct 2019
28 Oct 2019


30 RON
28 Oct 2019


75 RON
28 Oct 2019


75 RON
28 Oct 2019
28 Oct 2019


50 RON
28 Oct 2019
La mulți ani!
28 Oct 2019


500 RON
28 Oct 2019